

A graphic view of things

A graphic view of things
A graphic view of things

Linus Rapp

A graphic view of things

Absolute sharpness, reduction and strict rules determine the character of his pictures: Otl Aicher as photographer

Absolute sharpness, reduction and strict rules determine the character of his pictures: Otl Aicher as photographer.

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Show, don’t explain

Show, don’t explain
Show, don’t explain

Elisabeth Spieker

Show, don’t explain

Under Otl Aicher’s direction, designers, architects and landscape planners shaped the face of the Olympic Games 1972

Under Otl Aicher’s direction, designers, architects and landscape planners shaped the face of the Olympic Games 1972.

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The Rainbow Games

The Rainbow Games
The Rainbow Games

Mark Holt

The Rainbow Games

A city glows: Otl Aicher sent a signal with his colourful visual design for the XX Summer Olympic Games 1972 in Munich. The young Federal Republic of Germany had entered modern times.

Eine Stadt leuchtet: Mit seinem farbenfrohen Erscheinungsbild der XX. Olympischen Sommerspiele 1972 setzte Otl Aicher ein Signal. Die junge Bundesrepublik war in der Moderne angekommen.

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Nine letters, vertical

Nine letters, vertical
Nine letters, vertical

Andreas Schwarz

Nine letters, vertical

From O to R: Let's talk about a hedgehog, standardisation and neurotis for a change (please click on the letters)

From O to R: Let’s talk about a hedgehog, standardisation and neurotis for a change (please click on the letters).

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Design as a team sport

Design as a team sport
Design as a team sport

Mark Holt

Design as a team sport

Otl Aicher’s Dept. XI team: the visual identity of the Munich ’72 Olympics was the work of graphic designers, illustrators and technical staff from all over the world

Otl Aicher’s Dept. XI team: the visual identity of the Munich ’72 Olympics was the work of graphic designers, illustrators and technical staff from all over the world.

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“A tough time, a good time”

“A tough time, a good time”
“A tough time, a good time”

Florian Aicher

“A tough time, a good time”

Drawing in Rotis: former Aicher co-worker Reinfriede Bettrich talks about hand sketches, the first computers and everyday life at the office

Drawing in Rotis: former Aicher co-worker Reinfriede Bettrich talks about hand sketches, the first computers and everyday life at the office.

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Alpha wolves

Alpha wolves
Alpha wolves

Carsten Wolff

Alpha wolves

They created the signature of an epoch: designers Otl Aicher, Willy Fleckhaus, Anton Stankowski and Kurt Weidemann

They created the signature of an epoch: designers Otl Aicher, Willy Fleckhaus, Anton Stankowski and Kurt Weidemann.

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